How to Access

If you’re worried about your mental health, a good place to start is with a visit to your GP. Your GP can assess your symptoms, make a diagnosis, create a health treatment plan, or refer you to a mental health professional. Having a health treatment plan means Medicare might help with some of your costs.

You can access us via several funding options, depending on your personal circumstances. See following information to guide you through the options. Please if any questions, to contact us

Full Private
Hassle free, unlimited sessions, with no need of a referral from GP. Simply contact us to discuss your need for therapy.

Medicare Rebate
Most people see us after a referral done by their GP (including a Mental Health Treatment Plan) which then is sent to us directly. Via Medicare Better Access you will pay the full fee, and will receive a Medicare Rebate. The Medicare Better Access program allows you up to 10 sessions with rebate. In case you need more sessions, you can continue as Full Private

Work injuries and accidents can have a great impact on your mental health. If you have a WorkCoverQLD claim, you may be able to access psychological services to assist in your recovery, rehabilitation and return to work. Speak to your GP or Workcover officer for further information and let us know if you are booking for a Workcover service when you call to arrange an appointment (please have your claim number ready to provide).

We provide therapeutic services under NDIS self-managed or plan-managed. We support people with a psychosocial disability to help them achieve an optimal state of personal, emotional and social wellbeing. We work from a recovery oriented, trauma informed approach. Our clinicians offer a wide range of psychological therapies.

Information for referrers

Areas we can help with
Trauma and PTSD
Grief and bereavement counseling
(Chronic) Pain Management
Work stress
Eating disorders

For Teens (16+) Adults and Couples

Referral Pathways

We accept the following referrals
– Medicare Better Access (including Eating Disorder Treatment Plan)
– WorkcoverQLD
– NDIS (Psycho-social Disability and Capacity Building)
– Telehealth

All referrals can be send to Vivid Mental Health
via Fax 07 3607 2526 or
via Email

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